Day 1: Building Back Better with Nature - 29th June 2021
Welcome - the Nature-based economy in Poland and Europe
NBE Strategy for Poznan - Agnieszka Osipiuk
Research on Nature-Based Enterprises - Esmee Kooijman
Communities of Practice:
Workshop 2 - Water Management: Success stories between NBEs and the public sector
Mercedes Pérez Villalón CEO, GCMP
Workshop 3 - Sustainable Agriculture & Food Chain: Investing in the future of food through NBS
Alexander Paterson (GlasgowCity Council)
Marcelline Bonneau, (Resilia Solutions)
Workshop 4 - Cultural and Creative Sector: Exploring the connections between Cultural and Creative Sectors and Nature Based Solutions. Co łączy kulturę i sektor kreatywny z naturą?
Workshop 6 - Sustainable Forestry: valuing forests as solutions
Colm O’Driscoll (Etifor | Valuing Nature)
Alex Pra (Etifor | Valuing Nature and FSC ES expert)
Workshop 9 - Urban Landscapes: Nature-based solutions: A systemic approach towards urban landscape - from disrupting towards harmony
Patrick Mc Cabe, Founder-director of REDscape Landscape and Urbanism
Damjan Marušić, Director & Head of Development at DIPSTOR Ltd
Workshop 10 - Sustainable Tourism: Boosting Biodiversity via Sustainable Accommodation
Ally Dragozet, CEO Sea Going Green
Pascal Lesimanuaja, Sales & Marketing Manager, Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam
Louis Thompson, CEO, Nomadic Resorts
Policy Dialogue: Realising the potential of the nature-based economy
Aurélie Tailleur, ADEME, French Environment Agency
Pitch your nature–based enterprise!
Day 2: Growing the Nature-Based Economy 30th June 2021
Horizon Europe Brokerage Event – Funding Calls for Nature-Based Solutions
Tiago Freitas, Policy Officer NBS, European Commission
Dr Emma Siddall, Research Office, Trinity College Dublin
- HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-02-05: Let nature help do the job: Rewilding landscapes for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support
- HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-02-02 Developing nature-based therapy for health and well-being
Capacity Building Sessions:
Session 4 - Powerful evidence for nature-based solutions: identifying opportunities for NBS impact assessment
David Tomé Lourido, University of A Coruña
Antonio Prieto, City of A Coruña
Gillian Dick and Rania Sermpezi, Glasgow City Council
Session 6 - Turning Over a New Leaf: Using Arts-Based Approaches to transform Nature-Based Solutions
Session 7 - Zysk i odpowiedzialność – zachowanie równowagi w gospodarce opartej na przyrodzie/ Profit and responsibility - striking the right balance in the nature-based economy
Pitch your nature–based enterprise!