The UrbanByNature hub in Genk is an initiative of the local authority and the Flemish authority, specifically the Agency for Nature and Forest and the Research Institute for Nature and Forest. The Hub will be a network node in the transversal Flemish learning network for Urban Nature which originated from the innovation trajectory ‘Cities Thinking Like a Forest’. The goal of the network is to develop and distribute action oriented knowledge linked to creating urban nature tissue. The main focus lies on practices of co-creative collaboration with local communities, to make, maintain and secure, ‘life sized nature’ (social ecological perspective).
With the hub as base the Agency, the Institute and the municipality will experiment with the development of a concrete Nature Tissue Plan for the Stiemer region. We aim to create a process that can be scaled up to the whole territory of Genk and that can be a meaningful and inspiring example for other cities trying to strengthen the biodiversity, the social cohesion and the climate resilience of an urban environment. In parallel a local layer, named the Stiemerhub, is being developed as we speak.
UrbanByNature Flanders programme
The Flanders UrbanByNature Hub will function as a meeting point for local citizens to interact, to learn, to set up experiments to connect nature with nature, to connect people with nature and to connect people with people.
30 Apr 2022 - SAVE THE DATE: Launch Stiemerhub
Join us for an afternoon spent getting to know the new Stiemerhub! We are excited to offer drop in and guided activities.
28 Apr 2022 - SAVE THE DATE: Launch Urban by Nature Hub Flanders and Nature Tissue House
Launch of the UrbanByNature Hub Flanders ‘Natuurweefselhuis (Nature Tissue House)’