Co-production is a novel governance method for developing nature-based solutions where there are a lot of actors (individuals, groups or organisations) involved. Co-production is about collaboration, empowerment and producing shared results, such as policies and visions.
This guidebook introduces what co-production is.
The guidebook covers:
- The outputs and benefits of co-production
- Principles to define and evaluate co-production processes
- How to design co-production processes step by step
Download the Co-Production guidebook
Download A practical guide to using co-production for nature-based solutions
Effective Storytelling for Nature-based Solutions
The activity book uses the experiences of the Connecting Nature city partners involved in the project. It helps Nature-based Solutions practitioners understand how they should think about their narrative through a number of incremental learning team tasks. It explains why a clearly communicated narrative is essential and guides you through the process of creating yours.
The Sarajevo Process
The Sarajevo Process (Pilot) is a co-creative arts-based engagement approach that has been developed by Connecting Nature partners in Trinity College Dublin and University of East London, in collaboration with cities. The process draws on our memories, places us in nature and captures our embodied experiences to help us tell our stories with/in nature.
Find out more about the Sarajevo Process.
The unusual suspectS
Connecting Nature aims to engage widely with citizens and stakeholders in the co-creation, co-production and co-management of large-scale nature-based solutions in our cities. Achieving this idealistic ambition is proving more challenging to practice than to preach! In practice, we have come across many roadblocks and barriers to engagement in the 11 cities directly involved in planning large scale nature-based solutions through Connecting Nature.
Find out more about these challenges and the lessons learned.
For more information on co-production approaches and tools, visit:
The European Union Horizon 2020 project SIC (Social Innovation Community): https://www.siceurope.eu/, and for the tools: https://www.silearning.eu/tools/
- The European Union Interreg project MUSIC (Mitigation in Urban Areas: Solutions for Innovative Cities): https://drift.eur.nl/projects/music/, the tools are in the guidance manual, see Roorda et al. 2014: https://drift.eur.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/DRIFT-Transition_management_in_the_urban_context-guidance_manual.pdf
- Bound and Mulgan (2019), tools are in the compendium: https://www.nesta.org.uk/report/compendium-innovation-methods/
- The collective action toolkit for social impact: https://www.frogdesign.com/work/frog-collective-action-toolkit