Reflexive Monitoring is an innovative monitoring and evaluation method. It aligns daily activities with long-term ambitions and the impact of a project. The method enables users to gain insight into the progress and direction of their project in real time. Reflexive Monitoring helps to evaluate day-to-day activities and to respond to them while considering the bigger picture. This is especially helpful when addressing complex challenges.
Think of dynamic challenges such as climate change or social exclusion. These challenges ask for strategic collaborations as well as different perspectives and types of knowledge. Reflexive Monitoring enables urban practitioners to identify barriers and translate them into opportunities to address these challenge.
Reflexive Monitoring Guidebook
This guidebook is the result of a co-creation process between research partners and European cities within the scope of the Connecting Nature project. Connecting Nature is a European research project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Innovation Action Programme. The aims are to support the scaling of nature-based solutions in cities and to position Europe as a global leader in the innovation and implementation of those solutions by co-creating a toolkit for cities. Nature-based solutions are actions which are inspired by, supported by or copied from nature. They harbour opportunities for simultaneously regenerating ecosystems, combatting climate change and improving human wellbeing.
Download the Reflexive Monitoring Guidebook
Download A practical guide to using reflexive monitoring for nature-based solutions
Download the Bosnian version of the Reflexive Monitoring guidebook
For more information on Reflexive Monitoring:
The extended Reflexive Monitoring guidebook will be published on the Connecting Nature website by May 2022.
- Van Mierlo, B. C., Regeer, B., van Amstel, M., Arkesteijn, M. C. M., Beekman, V., Bunders, J. F. G., ... & Leeuwis, C. (2010). Reflexive Monitoring in action. A guide for monitoring system innovation projects. Communication and Innovation Studies, WUR; Athena Institute, VU. https://www.wur.nl/en/Publication-details.htm?publicationId=publication-way-333935373332
- Website with practical tips on transition work including Reflexive Monitoring: https://transitiepraktijk.nl/en/programma/monitoring/why-does-monitoring-receive-special-attention
Marleen Lodder, Katharina Hölscher, Kato Allaert, Igno Notermans, Niki Frantzeskaki. Corresponding author: lodder@drift.eur.nl