ReNature aims to establish and implement a nature-based solutions research strategy for Malta with a vision to promote research and innovation and develop solutions in a pursuit of economic growth, whilst at the same time improving human well-being and tackling environmental challenges. In ReNature, Connecting Nature plays a significant role in sharing information, presenting webinars and training courses, mentorship, and in co-publications.
The Nature of Cities
The Nature of Cities is an international platform for transdisciplinary dialogue and urban solutions. It is curated by Connecting Nature high level advisory board member David Maddox and shares of diverse, transformative ideas about cities as ecosystems of people, nature, and infrastructure. Many of the Connecting Nature team have written insightful pieces for The Nature of Cities and our Unusual Suspects process was trialled at the first The Nature of Cities Summit in Paris in 2019.
NATURA is a nature-based solution global network that exchanges knowledge, shares data, and enhances communication among research disciplines and across the research-practice divide to advance urban resilience in face of growing threats of extreme weather events. Connecting Nature is leading a thematic group and on many of the activities including training courses, webinars, and early career exchanges.
GoGreen Routes
GoGreen Routes is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to apply visionary and integrated solutions to improve health in cities transform both environmental and human health using nature-based solutions. Several Connecting Nature partners (Horizon Nua, ICLEI, Trinity College Dublin, Burgas Municipality, Oppla, and Helix) play key roles in GoGreen Routes, and it is designed to enable the expansion of the Connecting Nature Nature-based Enterprise platform.
Clever Cities
Clever cities is a partner on the Connecting Nature UrbanByNature [insert internal link] programme and is being coordinated by our partner ICLEI. In addition, we are working with ICLEI to maintain and continue the UrbanByNature programme after the end of our project within the ICLEI run Cities with Nature (https://cwn.iclei.org/).
Centre for Urban Transitions
The Centre for Urban Transitions at Swinburn University in Melbourne is being led by Connecting Nature founder Niki Frantzeskaki, who is also a member of our high level advisory board. CUT is facilitation Connecting Nature publications and dissemination in Australia.