Population - 244,000
A Coruña is a busy seaside port located in the Golfo Ártabro, on the Atlantic Ocean.
The city has a diverse economy ranging from port activities to tourism and houses the headquarters of several major multi-nationals.
The city is built on over two thousand years of architectural heritage on a popular beach-front.
NBS Exemplar
A Coruña NBS exemplar is to create a network of urban gardens connecting different initiatives across the city. The network will be expanded to include new community gardens and the governance model is being reoriented from a top-down city led model towards a bottom-up community-led approach.
Connecting Nature Partner – A Coruña
Contact: Esther Fontán Prado - e.fontan@coruna.es
Case studies
Lack of biodiversity in the city centre.
Heat stress due to the intensity of development and lack of vegetation.
Pressure for urban waste management.
Introducing alternative forms of transport will free up more space for green areas.
Green infrastructure that is compatible with cultural heritage and will have a positive impact on tourism.
5 years’ time
Environmental education through low-barrier initiatives such as bee hives.
Opening the street for pedestrians and greener surfaces.
10 years’ time
Gardening forms a basic part of primary education.
Cars replaced by trees on streets.
A softer, slower mobility system that does not conflict with both heritage or tourism.
15 years’ time
A new integrated lifestyle based not only around ecosystems but also around mobility, urban planning and health.
The community, through collected memory, has been able to claim ownership of the greening process of their city.
Development of a local economy connected to nature-based solutions strategy.
Celebration of change and clear indication of positive impact of nature-based solutions in the city over the following two decades.
15th July 2018, Transfroming Cities - https://bit.ly/2PkQ8yL