Day 3 25 March 2021
Routes to recovery – Nature-based solutions for a green recovery, policy that supports natural infrastructure, nature-based enterprise, skills and employability.
Day 3 welcome and summary of previous day
UrbanbyNature – meeting the Caucasian, Chinese and Korean streams
New green deal – can nature-based solutions aid city recovery?
Julie Procter (greenspace scotland)
Accelerating innovation and start-ups in the nature-based economy
Siobhan McQuaid (Trinity College Dublin)
Stine Casparij Kondrup (Greencubator)
Stuart Connop (ARENA Incubator)
Colm O'Driscoll (ECOSTAR/Etifor)
Agnieszka Osipiuk (City of Poznan)
Sean Kelly (Glasgow City Council)
Entrepreneurial enterprises – service design for nature-based solutions training