The fifth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar will focus on STEP6/MONITOR of the UbN programme. Speakers from Connecting Nature, CLEVER Cities and China will share their experiences in developing and using monitoring and evaluation tools and methods for nature-based solutions. They will discuss how to holistically measure NBS interventions and assess their impact, and how to iteratively use those measures to change and improve projects.
- David Tomé Lourido, Connecting Nature Coordinator of the NbS Impact Assessment work package; PostDoc Researcher, University of A Coruña, Spain
- Gillian Dick, Spatial Planning Manager, Research & Development, Glasgow City Council, UK
- Taoran Guo, Founder, Forest City Studio, Shanghai, China
- Igone García, Researcher & Project Manager, TECNALIA R&I, Spain
- Nicola Murphy-Evans, CLEVER Cities Coordinator, Greater London Authority, UK
- Jinfeng Du, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
The webinar will be moderated by Youde Tang, Program Manager at ICLEI East Asia Secretariat Beijing Office. Simultaneous translation (English and Chinese) will be provided throughout the webinar.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the webinar.
If you have not yet registered for the UrbanbyNature programme, please do so here to keep up to date with information regarding the webinar series and other UbN programme updates.
Date: Wednesday, 12 January 2022
Time: 3.30-5.00 PM (BJT/CST), 8.30-10.00 AM (CET)
Platform: Zoom
Language: English and Chinese
城市与自然共生项目·系列线上培训 #5
日期: 2022年1月12日,周三
时间: 北京时间下午3点半 - 5点,欧洲夏令时早8点半 - 10点
会议平台: Zoom
语言: 中英