SUNYS - Spark for Urban Nature by Young Spirits
Spark for Urban Nature by Young Spirits (SUNYS)” is a project organised by Connecting Nature Team and West University of Timisoara, represented by the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology and Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Minds Hub and Association of Students in Psychology and Sociology of Timisoara (ASPST), with the help of the Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry from Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara, sponsors such as Continental Tires, Sustainalytics and Autonom Foundation, and ONG’s such as Eco Club Timisoara and EcoStuff.
SUNYS is a learning and development programme for 11th and 12th grade high school students from Timisoara. The formative aspect of this programme is ensured through learning sessions held over five consecutive days by experts on topics such as sustainability, product concept, storytelling and digital marketing. We also support the development of future skills such as communication capacity, teamwork and decision-making.
This programme also has a competive element and the sponsers will give an award for the best awareness product. Awards for participation in the programme will also be given.
In teams of five, the students will create an awareness product. The theme is the role of nature in the city. Based on the information they are provided with in the learning sessions, the awareness-raising products created will be disseminated on social media. The students will have to use their digital marketing skills to promote each product and to gather online votes. The awareness products will be presented and then appraised by the evaluation committee, specialists from the partner institutions who organised the contest, as well as representatives of the academic environment.
Between 1st and 13th of April, 4PM – 9PM, the students working groups will be formed, the training sessions will be held by the specialists and the participants will promote the awareness products made on social media.
Timeline for learning sessions:
1.04.2019 - 16:00-19:00: Description of the CN project / Description of the SUNYS project / NBS – what it means / Introduction in Nature, Cities and Sustenability
2.04.2019 - 16:00-19:45: Research abilities / Product concept / Team working
3.04.2019 - 16:00-20:30: Story-telling / Digital Marketing / Team working
4.04.2019 - 16:00-20:15: Urban ecology / Nature and pollution in cities / Smart Gardens / Teamwork
5.04.2019 - 16:00-19:15: Completion of the awareness products & upload on social media
Timeline for promoting the products in social media
Between 08.04.2019 – 12.04.2019 the students will promote their awareness products in social media, gathering followers and likes.
Products presentation and award ceremony
On 13th of April, between 10AM and 6PM, the presentations of all creative awareness products will be held, followed-up by their evaluation and the award ceremony of the most successful products.
The premises of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Minds Hub (16, J.H.Pestalozzi Street, Timisoara) will be made available for the interactive training sessions and team work sessions. The product presentations and award ceremony will take place in the main West University of Timisoara building (4, V. Parvan Blvd., Timisoara).
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