Examining the premises, practices and future of co-creation for urban sustainability transitions
- What are the distinct characteristics of co-production beyond its outputs (actionable, credible, relevant, usable, legitimate)? Which different types or models for co-production can we distinguish?
- What would be the metrics of co-production for evaluating its impact including both process and outputs?
- Does co-production contribute to urban sustainability transitions? In which way?
- What are the knowledge power politics to be considered in designing, setting and evaluating coproduction processes?
We invite scholars to examine co-production across these overarching questions at our pressure-cooker workshop where we will critically think together how to bring forward transformative science by actively and consistently examining the premises, practices and future of co-production as a mode of transdisciplinary and transformative science. We will openly share and discuss on-going research on co-creation and co-production, invite critical inputs and aim to co-author a viewpoint article as a collective output and also bring together a special issue to be proposed to the new SPRINGER journal ‘Urban Transformations’.
To participate in this event please note the dates below and follow the instructions.
Important Dates:
- 1 November 2018 Submission of abstracts and expression of interest to participate Email: d.sillen@drift.eur.nl
- 5 November 2018 Notification of acceptance and logistical information Email: d.sillen@drift.eur.nl
- 15 November 2018 Send 1 pager with your inputs to the pressure-cooker
- 22 November 2018 Pressure-cooker co-creation at DRIFT
Your participation in this event will be confirmed on receipt of a formal invitation from DRIFT.
Further detailed information about the event can be found here.