Day 1 -Thursday 28th April Streamed sessions
Thinking with Nature - The Innerview Effect. Shifting perspective by rediscovering how life works.
The Connecting Nature Framework for achieving Impact from nature-based solutions (NBS)
Policy for upscaling nature-based solutions - where do we go from here?
Thinking with Nature - Keynote Jan Rotmans, Professor at Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Reflexive Monitoring: an introduction - put into practice!
Thinking with Nature - The Economic Impact of Nature Based Solutions
Building with Nature - Exploring the role of technology in upscaling Nature Based Solution
Living with Nature - Keynote: Drinkable Rivers as a compass for the 21st century
Reflexive Monitoring: Feedback and Review
Day 2 - Friday 29th April Streamed sessions
Thinking with Nature - Keynote: Plural values and the socio-politics of Nature Based Solutions
Building with Nature - Keynote: No nature-based solutions without Wetopia
Nature for health and well-being | Green Care
Building with Nature - Exploring the environmental impacts of nature-based solutions
Building with Nature - Design and development for nature based solutions
Living with Nature - Sharing experiences in allotment gardening to create social impact
Actions for research and innovation