19 May 2021
Green roofs and walls industry at a glance
Climate change adaption and urban green roof and wall strategies Green roofs and wall industry
- The Alpine Region is facing severe climate change impacts. Extended heat periods with over 25°C will raise up to 120 days per year. Heavy rain and stormwater events occur more frequently.
- 2 out of 3 municipalities in Austria are currently working on climate change adaption strategies and action programme implementation. The planting of new urban trees is currently the most popular undertaken measure.
- 9 out of 10 participating Austrian cites in this study, indicate green roof and wall technologies as highly relevant for stormwater protection, for minimizing urban heat island effects and for decreasing energy consumption of buildings.
- Every 5th municipality already has specific rules to make green roofs mandatory under certain circumstances
- 93% of the participants of the recent study, representing the greening sector, stated that they see a growing or strongly growing awareness for green infrastructure on buildings in the current public opinion.
- Municipalities indicated most frequently that support is needed in awareness raising campaigns and access to networking initiatives, knowledge sharing and exchange with other municipalities
Green roofs and wall industry
- 20 research institutes deliver new scientific knowledge and contribute to innovative solutions in scope of
urban green infrastructure / smart cities in Austria.
- The greening industry consists of 550 companies with 1.200 employees in the direct value chain.
- In 2018, a total turnover of 90,5 million Euros was obtained by the industry.
- The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the green roof sector in Austria between 2014 and 2018 resulted in 9 %.
- 38% of businesses participating in the recent study entered the market after 2010.
Market figures
- In Austria new installed green roofs exceed the size of 140 soccer fields each year (1.000.000 m²).
- Every 10th flat roof is built as a green roof in Austria.
- Austrian substrate manufacturers produced 62.554 tons of certified substrate in 2018.
- The market for waterproofing related to green roofs grew 4,67% in average between 2014 and 2018 (CAGR).
- The current market size for green facades in Austria is estimated to 40.000 m²
- The indoor green and moss walls market size is estimated to • 2.000 m² of new installations in 2018.
Growth prospects
- 37,5 % of participating businesses expect a compound annual growth rate in the upcoming 3 years above 7,5%.
- A moderate growth scenario indicates a turnover of 270 million Euros by 2030.
- Reaching 50% share of the overall Austrian flat roof market by 2030, 6.500 additional green jobs in the green roof industries value chain are expected.
- ßA total of 120 million m² on the existing building stock in Vienna is suitable for green facades
The full version (in German) is available here: Downloads - GRÜNSTATTGRAU (gruenstattgrau.at)
This study was financially supported by the Austrian Ministry of Environment.
This study was done by: GRÜNSTATTGRAU, Austrian Association of Greening Building (VfB) and IMG.
(September 2020)