Smart Technologies for NBs – "Data: Problems and Opportunities for NBE's"

DATE:   28TH april 2021  

TIME:   15:00 CESt      


The "Data: Problems and Opportunities for NBE's" session will discuss the problems and opportunities posed by our need to obtain evidence for NBS impact assessment, across academia, policy-making (cities) and NBEs. Our panel will go through Connecting Nature’s Impact Assessment Framework steps and how they apply across these sectors with a view that we create new market opportunities for NBEs through the establishment of data-driven NBS. The session will look into the opportunities and challenges behind cross-sectoral collaboration for data collection, analysis and visualisation and the emerging smart-tech we can all utilise to make our lives easier.



  • Rania Sermpezi (Glasgow City Council)
  • Dr. David Tomé Lourido (University of A Coruña)
  • Dr. Nadina Galle (Green City Watch)
  • Mamuka Gvilava (GeoGraphic)


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