Researchers, practitioners and policy makers of the Mediterranean region and European Union will be brought together to discuss the benefits and challenges related to Nature Based Solutions implementation.
The city of Marseille will be host the workshop "Implementation of Nature Based Solutions to tackle climate change: Focus on the Mediterranean region" on 22-24 January 2019. Organized by Plan Bleu, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, UICN French Committee, Conservatoire du Littoral, Tour du Valat, MedWET and Wetlands International, this event will gather researchers, practitioners and policy makers of the Mediterranean region and European Union to discuss on the benefits and challenges related to Nature Based Solutions implementation.
This workshop aims to capitalize on the outcomes and lessons learned from projects that are being carried out in the Mediterranean by partners across different ecosystems that vary from coastal ecosystems, forests and urban ecosystems. It also pursues to share European and Mediterranean best practices and challenges in terms of Nature Based Solutions within researchers and wetland managers, to create new collaborations, and to raise the awareness of policy makers on the importance of healthy ecosystems for effective adaptation to climate change, specifically by bringing nature-based solutions into action.
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