The results of a recent study on waste water in the Netherlands demonstrate that municipalities can not only reuse wastewater, they can derive energy and raw materials from it. “Water authorities should no longer regard wastewater as merely a waste to be treated and processed,” explains Wolfgang Hofstetter, Project Coordinator for the POWER project on water challenges at Climate Alliance. The study, conducted within the framework of the POWER project by the KWR Watercycle Research Institute, shows how municipal sewage treatment plants can be transformed into resource factories for phosphate, cellulose, energy and more. This change in perspective may demand significant investments but the potential financial and environmental returns are high. It stands as one more solution to the global challenge of water security municipalities will increasingly face in the years to come.
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Want to learn more?
- Madlie Le Bihan, +49 69 717139-35, m.lebihan(at)climatealliance.org