Cities and researchers come out in support of sustainable approaches to water management on World Water Day
Water is crucial to almost every aspect of our lives. If there is too little or too much water or the quality is not right, cities and municipalities are responsible for their population. With nature-oriented solutions for water conservation and flood protection, they protect the nature and improve water quality.
“The English city of Leicester has successfully changed its handling of the valuable resource water and is thus exemplary”, affirms Wolfgang Hofstetter of the city network Climate Alliance. “The river, which repeatedly overflowed its banks, was reconnected to its original wetland. This means that there is now sufficient flood space. This solution is a low-cost answer and, in addition to flood protection, also became a beloved recreation area.”
Climate Alliance is working with Leicester as well as other cities and research institutions to increase public participation in local water issues via the POWER project.
- Best practice platform on local water challenges
- Local water platform of Leicester
- Power project website
- Wolfgang Hofstetter, +49-69-717139-13, w.hofstetter(at)climatealliance.org
- Madlie Le Bihan, +49 69 717139-35 m.lebihan(at)climatealliance.org