The event will focus on the Network Nature semester theme of ecosystem restoration, in line with current EU ambitions and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Nature-based solutions, in Europe and beyond, are an integral part of restoration efforts and represent the building blocks for a sustainable future, for health, agriculture, climate change and more. Joint action and local, regional and international cooperation are crucial to maximise the impact and spread of nature-based solutions. The recognition of their potential to address societal challenges has also translated into an increasingly prominent role of nature-based solutions in the EU policy landscape, with the European Green Deal providing an opportunity to mobilise their implementation and fast-track financing.
This virtual event will showcase the vision and added value of Network Nature to strengthen action for upscaling Nature-based Solutions across Europe and globally. With the objective of creating a space for dialogue for the Nature-based solutions community, the event will gather stakeholders from all target groups, including policymakers, civil society as well as investors and financers, infrastructure planners and builders, and natural resource managers.
More information as well as the link for registration will be made available via the NetworkNature platform in the coming weeks.