The City of Málaga would like to invite you to its Connecting Nature Public Engagement Event - Málaga’s Green Spirit - on Tuesday 1st October. The event will take place in Aula Del Mar, Museo Alborania.
The focus of the event will be on stakeholder relationships with nature-based solutions. The aim is to highlight the importance of cooperation with stakeholders in the planning and implementation of nature-based solutions. We will look at ways to encourage interaction and to boost the pursuit and integration of nature-based solutions into their long-term planning and development.
Click here for the agenda.
The event will conclude with a visit to San Telmo Aqueduct
JamesNarmer [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]
If you wish to attend the event please register here by Thursday 26th September 2019.
For more information about Málaga check out:
Promalaga: www.promalaga.es
Málaga Tourism: www.malagaturismo.com