This event is now closed, if you missed it you can view the recording here.
This event is a unique opportunity to discover the market and policy trends, and what they look like on the ground, for Europe's fastest-growing themes that bridge the health and environment sectors; Nature-based Health and Social Care.
This webinar will bring together some of the most important researchers and practitioners to discuss challenges and concrete steps forward for the development and implementation of Green Care initiatives and nature-based interventions. Outcomes of discussions in the webinar will result in the design of a policy and market brief on Green Care. This event is the International launch of the Green4C project, supported by the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform Sustainable Forestry and NBS for Health and Wellbeing Communities.
Speakers and guests:
Colm O'Driscoll - Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform Ambassador for Sustainable Forestry, Etifor | Valuing Nature
Prof. Davide Pettenella (Green4C Scientific Coordinator, University of Padova)
Dr. Rik De Vreese - (Coordinator H2020 ClearingHouse, European Forest Institute)
Matthias Braubach – (Urban Health Equity at the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health)
Dr. Matilda Van Den Bosch (Trained Physician and Associated Researcher, Barcelona Institute of Global Health)
Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre - (Coordinator H2020 GoGreenRoutes, Maynooth University)
Dr. Matthew White - (Senior Scientist in Environmental Psychology, University of Vienna Cognitive Science Hub)
Nicole Prop - Green Care Austria
Siobhan McQuaid - Director of Horizon Nua and Coordinator of Connecting Nature
Shirley Gleeson - Ecowellness Consulting and Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform Ambassador for Health and Well-being
Michéal Connors - The Natural Academy , UK BSc in Applied Economics, is a qualified psychotherapist, supervisor, further education lecturer, mountain leader and Wild Mind practitioner.
Ray Burke - Active Connections, Ireland Adventure Therapy for youth in Ireland, Social Enterprise.
Dr Lymarie Rodriguez Morales - University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Lecturer in Psychology) and Small Wood Wales (Wellbeing Practitioner).
Nevin J. Harper - Phd, RCC (registered clinical counselor)Professor, Faculty of Human & Social Development, University of Victoria. Instructor Examiner, Outdoor Council of Canada.