Cities belong to their citizens; comprising an economic, social and cultural asset for which all are responsible of taking care of in order to assure the future of the following generations.
Considering this premise, cities are the most important growth pole of the European Union, while more than two thirds of the European population lives in urban areas and this share continues to grow. Due to their high density, cities offer a huge potential for improving sustainability towards a carbon-neutral new concept of life. Nowadays, one of the most important challenges for Europe is the enhancement of the capability to adapt European cities to smart, sustainable and resilient societies while improving quality of life and stimulating growth by attracting talent and investments.
BY&FORCITIZENS conference on “Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions” will provide a forum to gain comprehensive insights into the opportunities and challenges conferred by further development of Smart Cities and Communities initiatives across Europe. The overall aim is to review and better understand the steps that city leaders, delegates, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders around Europe take to transform their cities into great and attractive places in which to live and work, creating strong local ecosystems.
The event will gather local and national authorities, representatives from the European Commission and INEA, project coordinators and experts involved in smart city projects co-funded by Horizon 2020 and FP7 programmes of the EC. They will have the opportunity to share their experience and knowledge, discuss the challenges of the urban transformation and come up with innovative solutions. The format will be participatory and there will be keynote lectures, presentations, round tables and study tours.
The BY&FORCITIZENS conference 2018, where all stakeholders meet, discuss, inspire and create, will deliver a number of key learning outcomes:
- Policies to achieve smart, sustainable and resilient cities
- Investing on Smart and Sustainable Cities
- Citizen Centric model to transform urban areas
- Creating a new culture of urban mobility
- Nearly Zero and positive buildings and DH&C
- Digital transformation of cities
- From planning to implementation
- Assessing the impact and ensuring replication
- Business Model for Smart and Sustainable Cities
- Best practices from real demonstration cases
Come and join us in Valladolid!
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