Air pollution and Covid-19
Organized by: Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee and Higher Institute of Health
The seminar aims to create a meeting time to provide a picture of the ongoing studies, experiences, knowledge and variables involved in the spread of the CoVID-19 epidemic and to discuss the different technical and health aspects available.
Section Chairs
Gaetano Settimo, Higher Institute of Health
Pasqualino Rossi, Ministry of Health
14.00-14.30 Introduction by the Chairs
14.30-14.45 Prevention strategies for health
Pasqualino Rossi, Directorate General of Health Prevention, Ministry of Health
14.45-15.00 National and European actions on air pollution
Fabio Romeo, Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea
15.00-16.00 The National PULVIRUS project
16.00-16.20 Relationship between atmospheric particulate matter and COVID-19: the RESCOP
Gianluigi de Gennaro, University of Bari
16.20-16.50 National epidemiological study on air pollution and COVID-19
Ivano Iavarone, Higher Institute of Health
16.50-17.10 Re-connect cities with nature in Covid times
Valeria Stacchini, Metropolitan City of Bologna.
17.10-17.30 Discussion and closure
AQ2 - 1 Good practices for the city that breathes
Lucia Krasovec, Architect, Trieste.
AQ2 - 2 Oltremateria “the surfaces of wellbeing”
Loris Casalboni CEO Oltremateria, Ecomat srl, Rimini.
AQ2 - 3 Atmospheric emission of dioxins and related compounds from iron ore sintering processes
Francesco Cardellicchio University of Salerno.
AQ2 - 4 Atmospheric Pollution and Covid-19
Nicola Boraschi, Chiari Brescia.
AQ2 - 5 Origins of fine particles in the urban area of Bologna
Luciano Forlani, Carla Boga, Gabriele Micheletti Department of Industrial Chemistry 'Toso Montanari' ALMA MATER STUDIORUM, University of Bologna.
AQ2 - 6 The performance trend of atmospheric emissions of macro-pollutants (dust, NOx, SO2, CO) in coal-fired thermoelectric plants
Roberto Borghesi, Carlo Carlucci, Raffaella Manuzzi, ISPRA, Rome.
AQ2 - 7 Accident analysis and good inspection practices for industrial plant aging management
Romualdo Marrazzo, Fabrizio Vazzana VAL-RTEC, ISPRA, Rome.
AQ2 - 8 Sampling of particulate matter fractions from biomass burning by a prototype device
Francesco Gallucci, Enrico Paris, Monica Carnevale, Adriano Palma, Beatrice Vincenti: Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, (CREA-IT); Valerio Ciambottini: DADO LAB srl, Ettore Guerriero: National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IIA); Attilio Tonolo: Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF).
AQ2 - 9 Catalytic post-combustion, a way to save money
Pietro Italiano, Ivana Moscato, David Callejo Munoz, Paolo Plescia, Alessandro Panza Resilco Srl.
AQ2 - 10 Continuous real-time wide-spectrum monitoring of air quality: SIFT-MS technology
Andrea Carretta, SRA Instruments Spa.
AQ2 - 11 Cleaning ambient air using simple water, a paradigm shift in urban air pollution abatement
Giuseppe Spanto, Paolo Tripodi, Fabio Galatioto, Is Clean Air Italia srl, Rome.
AQ2 - 12 New way of breaking down smelly molecules
Marilena Cascone, Seneca Air srl, Frosinone.
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